Best Sleeping Positions For Shoulder Pain
A night that can otherwise be cozy and soothing can become an exhausting nightmare for a person suffering from shoulder pain. Shoulder pain does not let a person rest peacefully and shifting restlessly in bed looking for the right shoulder position is just the norm for such individuals.
Let's begin by taking a look at the impact of a sleep position on a shoulder, some of the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain, and some practical tips so that you can feel lively and free of pain when you wake up the next morning. The abundance of soft pillows one uses while sleeping will surely come in handy as we explore this new terrain.
How to Find the Best Sleeping Positions for Shoulder Pain
To minimize strain on the shoulder and lower back, the following practices can be followed :
Side Sleeping on the Opposite Shoulder
Once the side of the injured shoulder can aggravate doing this can allow the shoulder to relax and sleep without any strain. When endeavoring to minimize soreness on one of your shoulders, sleeping on the opposite side of that affected shoulder is the desirable position. To achieve the desired posture of the head and neck the lower back should be supported using a comfortable and firm hand pillow.
Sleeping on Your Back with Arm Support
Back sleeping is another excellent option for relieving shoulder discomfort. It evenly distributes your body weight, reducing the pressure on your shoulders.
To make this position even more effective, place a pillow under the arm on the affected side. This elevation reduces stress on the shoulder joint and promotes better circulation. Many people find that this position is one of the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain, as it promotes relaxation and recovery.
Quit Slipping on Your Tummy
If you are looking for the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain, remember to avoid sleeping on your stomach. This position causes twisting of the neck which will lead to shoulder pain and cracked-up shoulders.
Will Mattresses Help in Reducing Shoulder Pain
An ideal mattress would be one that is moderately firm while providing support to your body and relieving the pressure on your shoulder and not vice versa.
Therefore, if you've experienced shoulder problems, seek foam mattresses as it will provide you with the best cushioning and support when sleeping on your side, and if you side sleeper, you most likely will want a medium-firm mattress as it will help relieve the pain while still keeping your spine at its optimal alignment.
Other Tips to Sleep Better with Shoulder Pain
Optimize your sleep and avoid poor sleep quality with the following few additional hints:
Warm-Up Before Bed: For instance, in case of a shivering shoulder because of muscle soreness, a warm shower or heat pack would perfectly ease the muscles, enabling them to fall naturally into a relaxed state.
Night-time stretching: Night-time stretching before bedtime can help improve flexibility from decreased muscle stiffness.
Essential oils for relaxation: Adorn with soft music; there are certain plant oils and organic mixtures that work miracles, including relaxing sore muscles. Grate them and rub them on the skin to provide relief from shoulder pain.
The Impact of Poor Sleep on Shoulder Pain
Now, picture yourself attempting to function during the day with fatigue and pain left from a lack of sleep. Not only does a lack of sleep aggravate your shoulder pain, but it can also inhibit your recovery process, which is already demotivating enough.
There is additional strain that can be put on the muscles and tendons by sleeping in inappropriate postures and doing this for an elongated period can ultimately result in a cycle of pain, soreness, and reduced movement.
Knowing the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain allows one to understand how to loosen up and reduce the pain in their shoulders.
When to Seek Medical Help
You may have tried nearly every position and still be experiencing shoulder pain that is nagging, so in such a case, you need to talk with your health provider. It is not impossible to assume that the pain is more substantial and suggests another condition, like tendinitis, bursitis, or even pinched nerves.
The professional would be able to come up with a solution for such adverse effects, by applying both weight therapy and drugs immediately after sleeping. They will also suggest the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain.
Shoulder pain can be managed by finding the best positions for comfort and support. Sleeping on opposite sides, lying on the back with arm support, or changing pillows or mattresses can help alleviate discomfort.
Finding the best sleeping positions for shoulder pain can significantly reduce discomfort over time. By incorporating these tips into healthy sleep practices, individuals can wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the day without the annoying ache. Sweet dreams await!